Youth At Risk

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Christopher Ramirez is a trained HealthRhythms rhythm facilitator. His drumming protocal is deigned as an intervention tool that focuses on the risk elements that increase the chances of young people and adults engaging in detremental health and social outcomes. The misuse of drugs and achohol, criminal activity and mental health disorders are a few of the challenges that more than often result in poor life choices.

Fredom Drum Circles’s Group Druming Empowerment Program provides a unique approach to increase participants’ resilience by enhancing self-esteem, social connection and self control behavior through recreational music. Through team work and self awareness, young adults are able to engage in mindful thinking and conflict resolution activities. Engaging in fun rhythm games and sharing meaningful rhythmical ideas encourages a calmness that allows for youths and adults to feel their interactive social contribution and self worth.

Creative music expression promotes normal feelings of cooporation and healthy social engagement. Drumming programs for youth at risk and adults statistically demonstrate significant positive enhancements in self expression, interpersonal growth, respect for peers, reduction of stress, team awareness and partnership that correlated with a one-hour drumming session. Evidence based research has found that the benefits of recreational music-making are well recognized and produce measurable results in a diverse population. More than ever, there is a urgent need to connect the youth at risk and adults to recreational music-making as a wellness activity.

Evidence based research: (Bittman and colleagues, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, January 2001)  (

Regardless of prior musical experience, individual background, or unique life challenges, group drumming allows each participant to find their personal rhythm with a simple beat that opens up the heart and the mind to new concepts and purposfull expression. Words alone cannot meet that goal in such a short period of time. After only one hour of group drumming participants emerge feeling relaxed stress free, with a positive sence of accomplishment .

Benefits of Group Drumming as stated in the HealthRHYTHMS Philosophy:

  • Increase school attendance
  • promote relationships with teachers and peers
  • Increase social collaboration/cooperation and cohesiveness in group activities
  • enhance interpersonal skills• Increase self awareness
  • Increase self control* Reduce stress
  • Reduce anti-social bahavior*

“Group drumming is not about inspiring successful drumming
– it’s about inspiring successful living.”

“Group drumming is not about exceptional performance
– it’s about exceptional support and personal expression.”

“Group drumming’s best facilitators are not only talented musicians
– they are caring, compassionate and intuitive rhythm guides.”